
EMA was created with the realisation that accessibility and inclusion cannot be achieved without significant changes in the way society thinks about this.  Actually, most of society doesn’t think about these issues.  So that is a problem to start with.  How to increase awareness when hardly anyone knows there is something to be aware of.  This is a conundrum, Catch 22, paradox, or which came first the chicken or the egg, kind of problem!  Our deeply felt conviction is that if we can put across these issues in a compelling factual and endearing way we can reach most people’s sense of equity.

Who We are

Our team are all professionals who have by way of personal life changes or other experiences, have become to realise that this issue needs a great deal of work.  All of us have already committed to this work individually in our own areas of expertise.  We realised we needed a common platform to develop these skills towards fulfilling bigger tasks which require more resources than we can achieve alone.

Our Vision

We envision an India, with accessible and inclusive environments, where equal access to infrastructure, and service is ensured for People with Disabilities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to sensitize, inform, and facilitate the change for Accessible environments through building capacities in Universal Design, and fostering an environment that benefits all, including individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, and the broader community.

What We Do

In these areas of Accessibility and Inclusion, we use many different resources to back our advocacy work.  Also, these resources are applied to the advisory and educational material to enable powerful awareness and sensitisation experiences.  We are continually gathering new resources to develop new and contemporary material to better carry out our awareness activities.  We are committed to commissioning original research and development providing high-quality fact-based material for our cause.

Our Team

Peter Gibson: Founder & Director

Role: Capacity Building & Process Improvement.

He is an accessibility knowledge custodian, sharing and facilitating the use of accessibility in built environment. He has traveled with his wife, who lives with a rare degenerative condition, Multiple Sclerosis. In 2016 Peter Gibson was studying the various government reference documents and standards and was sometimes confused by some of the very poor illustrations and diagrams that “supported” the clauses.  Some of the drawings were significantly wrong in the way they presented the clauses.  While researching this he found some better illustrations on the internet. Still, he realized that for the average person to understand these they needed to be easier to understand so he started making 3D illustrations to provide a better comprehension of the “look” of the compliance features. 

He says, “Inclusion is achieved with 10% knowledge and 90% the practice of an attitude of non-judgment and acceptance.”                         

Anubha Singhal: Co-founder & Director

Role: Principal Architect, CSR, Research, and Advocacy.

An architect and a traveler. She lived a comfortable life, until 17, when she was diagnosed with a rare condition, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy causing muscle weakness. Despite the challenges, she embraced it and it changed her outlook and perspectives. Her career shifted, and now she brings the power of design to change the lives of many people with disabilities, promoting inclusivity.
With her expertise in Project planning, Leadership and team management, and Advocacy, Anubha has over 4 years of experience in Interiors and Architecture. She is working on the sensitivities of Universal design Accessibility in real projects. She advocates for Inclusive environments for people with disabilities through Research projects & Capacity building.
She believes, “Only together we can win over an Inclusive India, it’s a responsibility that stands with each one of us.“

With its core team, EMA draws its expertise from persons qualified in varied fields, unified by a common goal of making a positive impact for an inclusive society. 

Our 6-D Process


Find new and powerful tools including developing technologies to assist with measurement of compliance, develop tools to support new compliant construction


Define strategies and key break-though awareness pressure points to ensure maximum effect.


Design assistive tools and educational materials that will engage and inspire people to develop their own understanding and awareness of accessibility and Inclusion.


Develop resources, research teams, collaborative groups and materials to support our work.


Deploy our services throughout India and beyond.


Deliver World-Class tools and educational resources toward fulfilling the goal of making accessibility and inclusion the norm.